Mom Wore Many Hats

One of the most endearing things Mom did through mid stage Alzheimer’s was discovering all types of “headgear”. You name it she would try it out as a fashion accessory. Here she is with a stainer on her head

Colander on head

She loved her hats to the point it was hard to get the safari hat of her head for a photo op when she exhibited at Westport Art Center.

HAt Mom at Hat Party 2HAT off WAC

Often she went for her reindeer antlers which she wore long after Christmas was over.

HAT Antlers at Xmas dinner 2HAT antlers in den 2

She even wore them into Rockefeller Center when I was on Dr Oz.

HAT NBC STUDIOS_1 It got to where we almost didn’t see them on her head anymore. They seemed like a natural part of her appearance after awhile and they came in very handy when she would wander off in Stop & Shop or got lost in Ikea. Everyone could spot the “lady with antlers” and return her safely to me. She had all kinds of “antlers” as friends knew how thrilled she would be when they’d give her a new pair.

HAtTuly 2011 Eckerds porch_1bunny copy

Sometimes she would go for the “layered look” and it just got out of hand. If we were going to the mall or out to lunch I would have to draw the line. She had to choose just one.



Mom frequently incorporated hats and headgear into her stackings.

%22Hatrack%22 for auctionHAT Stacking


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